Search for tag: "theoretical neuroscience day"

Optimal sensory coding theories for neural systems under biophysical constraints - Chris J. Rozell

The natural stimuli that biological vision must use to understand the world are extremely complex. Recent advances in machine learning have shown that low-dimensional geometric models (e.g.,…

From  Katie Gentilello 46 plays 0  

Neural computations for active perception - Bruno Olshausen

The human visual system does not passively view the world, but actively moves its sensor array through eye, head and body movements. How do neural circuits in the brain control and exploit these…

From  Katie Gentilello 80 plays 0  

A Computer Science View of the Brain - Santosh Vempala

Computational perspectives on scientific phenomena have often proven to be remarkably insightful. Rapid advances in computational neuroscience, and the resulting plethora of data and models highlight…

From  Katie Gentilello 81 plays 0