Search for tag: "point"
Vanishing Points Relative To The PageIn this video, Bill and Wayne describe how the vanishing points and their placement on/off the page and it's relationship to the scale of the object depicted.
From Wayne Kuen Li
16 plays
SIAM_IP9_8:30am_08/04/2017IP9 Caratheodory Style Theorems for Discrete Optimization and Game Theory
From Anton Leykin
9 plays
SIAM_SP1_5:15pm_08/02/2017SP1 SIAG/AG Early Career Prize Lecture: A Brief History of Smale's 17th Problem
From Anton Leykin
27 plays
SIAM_IP6_1:30pm_08/02/2017IP6 Curves with Complex Multiplication and Applications to Cryptography
From Anton Leykin
18 plays
SIAM_IP4_1:30pm_08/01/2017IP4 Polynomial Dynamical Systems, Toric Differential Inclusions, and the Global Attractor Conjecture
From Anton Leykin
12 plays
SIAM_IP1_8:30am_07/31/2017IP1 Uses of Algebraic Geometry and Representation Theory in Complexity Theory
From Anton Leykin
47 plays